At Garnetbank we actively encourage and welcome parent/ carer engagement in the life of our school by :
- Coming along to open afternoons and assemblies.
- Commenting on your child's written report card.
- Ensuring attendance at formal parents' evenings.
In home learning activities you can support your child by :
- Encouraging and helping children to organise and complete all pieces of work.
- Being actively involved when homework is being completed.
- Acknowledging homework by signing / initialling / commenting.
Please support pupils in their learning by :
- Making sure your child comes to school every day.
- Making sure your child is at school on time.
- Making sure your child comes appropriately dressed for school, ready to learn.
At the start of each session Primary 1 teachers issue a newsletter which is full of useful, practical information for all our new starts and their families. Please click the link below to access this useful document.
Garnetbank has also produced an information leaflet with ideas and advice on how to support the development of early literacy skills....
'How can I help my child working in the ‘Early / First Stage’ of Reading?'
In Garnetbank Primary School, we value homework because:-
• It helps develop an effective partnership between school and parents and other carers in pursuing the aims of the school.
• It reinforces concepts, ideas and work habits learned at school.
• It gives pupils a chance to practise skills they are acquiring at school in a different setting.
• It offers pupils a chance to develop independent work habits.
• It can be used to encourage pupils to seek information from alternative sources to those available in school – local libraries, or by interviewing adults.
Homework activities vary depending on the focus on each class, although we encourage pupils to read each evening whether from school readers, novels, magazines, newspapers or reference books.
Information regarding homework planned for your child’s class will be found on the term planning sheets which are sent home at the beginning of each term.
As in every school, we have rules to ensure the safety and well being of everyone in the school community.
Good behaviour also allows all children the best opportunity to learn. Our code of conduct is best outlined in our Home School Agreement which was produced after consultation with parents, pupils and staff. Please click on the link below to access a copy.
Home School Agreement
Please help your child by talking about these rules regularly and encouraging him/her to behave well.