Hillhead High School
Head Teacher
Mrs K McAlaney
Hillhead High School
Oakfield Avenue
G12 8LJ
Tel:0141 582 0100
Fax:0141 582 0101
Pupils are normally transferred between the ages of eleven and a half and twelve and a half so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least four years of secondary education. Parents will be informed of the school arrangements no later than December of the year preceding the date of transfer at the start of the new session.
(If in the catchment area)
Pupils normally transfer to: Hillhead High School
Oakfield Avenue
Glasgow G12 8LJ
Telephone Number: 0141 582 0100
Head Teacher: Mrs K McAlaney
E.Mail: headteacher@hillheadhigh.glasgow.sch.uk
There is a full programme in place to ensure that all P7 pupils are familiar with Hillhead High School prior to transfer. This includes
- a number of visits by pupils to the High School throughout the session culminating in a four day visit in May.
- Secondary school staff visiting the primary school to meet and work with P7 pupils throughout the session.
- Senior members of staff from the High School attending Garnetbank Primary School parents’ evenings to meet P7 pupils and parents.
- An information evening in December at the High School for parents of primary school pupils.
- Pastoral Care Staff, EAL staff and ASN staff from the High School meeting with P7 class teachers to exchange information.
Special arrangements including additional supported visits can be arranged for pupils with specific additional support needs