Garnetbank Primary School

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Pupil Council

Garnetbank's  Pupil Council :

  • Gives pupils the chance to tell staff their ideas.
  • Represents each class in the school.
  • Meets regularly to talk about important school issues and projects.
  • Puts forward the class views at council meetings.
  • Takes forward the views of the very young classes, who may find it difficult to put forward other's opinions.



What happens during and after a pupil council meeting?

During the pupil council meeting important issues are discussed, ideas shared and action points decided. The aim is for the discussions to be orderly and fair, with everyone having an equal opportunity to talk or be listened to. It's up to the Chairperson to make sure that councillors show respect for each other.

What happens after the meeting?

After the meeting representatives report back to their class while things are still fresh in their minds - this helps every pupil to feel involved. Teachers must give enough time to let the class discuss points that have been raised. A class or school suggestion box can also be used to gather ideas, which can be discussed at the next meeting.

What are the benefits of a pupil council?

The pupil council involves you in decisions that affect you, your class and your school. It keeps you informed about the life of the school and helps you to gain the confidence to have your say. It also can help you to feel good about your place in the school community by giving you responsibilities and encourages you to be an active citizen. The advantage is that it gets exciting issues moving and can deal quickly with issues that trouble you.

Get involved in your pupil council. You can make a difference!